The SMRT 43 is a multipurpose, light-weight, field portable test set capable of testing a wide variety of electro-mechanical, solid-state and microprocessor-based protective relays, motor overload relays and similar protective devices.
The SMRT 43 test system has the ability to be manually controlled with Megger’s Smart Touch View Interface™ (STVI). The STVI, with its large, full colour, high resolution, TFT LCD touch screen allows the user to perform manual, steady-state and dynamic testing quickly and easily using the manual test screen, as well as using built-in preset test routines for most popular relays (see STVI datasheet for details).
For full automatic testing the SMRT 43 may be controlled by Megger Relay Testing Management Software (RTMS). RTMS is a Microsoft® Windows® XP® Service Pack 3/Vista™/7/8/10 compatible software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the new Megger SMRT33, (see RTMS datasheet for details).